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London`s Calling For 007

London`s Calling For 007

Die Another Day 01-11-02
70`s punk rock group The Clash are providing music to "Die Another Day" with an amazingly apt song.
Madonna & Official DAD Soundtrack

Madonna & Official DAD Soundtrack

Music 21-09-02
Everything you need to know about Madonna, the music single, the cameo and the Die Another Day soundtrack.
Madonna Confirmed For Title Song

Madonna Confirmed For Title Song

Die Another Day 17-03-02
Madonna will write and perform the Die Another Day song. MI6 can also reveal official studio dates and her contract for a screen appearence
Concept Theme For Bond 20

Concept Theme For Bond 20

Die Another Day 03-03-02
MI6 has uncovered a concept song written for Bond 20. Red Flag`s effort has been turned down by EON producers, but you can discover it here.
Alternative Music For "The World Is Not Enough"

Alternative Music For "The World Is Not Enough"

The World Is Not Enough 23-09-01
MI6 has uncovered a fantastic alternate theme for "The World Is Not Enough" by British band Straw


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