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Britney Spears wants to copy her mentor Madonna by appearing in Bond 21, according to UK tabloids

04-Feb-2004 • Casino Royale

Diamonds may be for ever but a pop career sure isn`t - which could explain why Britney Spears has set her sights on becoming a Bond girl.

And what a surprise... it just so happens that her mentor, Madonna, played a cameo role as fencing instructor Verity as well as singing the title song for last film, "Die Another Day".

According to those wonderful anonymous sources the Daily Mirror (UK) talk to, Britney apparently fancies herself as a lithe-limbed lovely opposite Pierce Brosnan in the next 007 movie, due out in November 2005.

The tabloid claims that the 22-year-old copycat is in talks with film-makers after instigating a meeting with Bond producer Barbara Brocolli.

"Britney`s desperate to carve out a name for herself as an actress and loves the idea of being a Bond girl," reveals the paper`s insider. "She`s in great shape and thinks she`d be brilliant.

"Britney has seen what it`s done profile-wise for Halle Berry and she wants a slice of the action."

Britney was widely panned for her starring role in Crossroads, a sickly-sweet teen road-trip movie. And since then her acting experience has only extended to a new Pepsi advert, where she appears alongside Pink, Enrique Iglesias and Beyonce Knowles.

In an exclusive Mirror interview she said: "I want to take my acting very seriously because that`s what I`m going to be concentrating on over the next few years."

Sources close to Britney say they hope she will get the part as she needs to have something worthwhile to focus on.

Thier source continued: "Britney knows she`s got to buck up her ideas. Her music career`s going nowhere and she knows that to succeed in films she`s got to go for the jugular - that`s why she decided to go directly to Barbara.

"Ideally Britney wants to have a main role as a beautiful villain but nothing has been signed yet."

No surprise, as a script has yet to be completed, although an early treatment for Bond 21 has been completed by Purivs & Wade.

MI6 Rumour Rating: It was only a matter of time before this rumour came out. Obviously a slow month for CD sales at Camp Britney.

Thanks to Cromedome, Eric, Graves and Heidi for the alerts.

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