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Anna Kournikova claims she was offered a Bond role... Sky News stir up the absurd rumours again

09-Mar-2004 • Casino Royale

Sky News, who have an atrocious record of reporting Bond "rumours", claim tennis star Anna Kournakova has been asked to play a role in a Bond film already.

"I was offered a part in a Bond film but had to turn it down because of my sporting commitments," she explained.

"I`d still love to be a Bond girl, though. Perhaps that will come after my tennis."

Anna, once voted the World`s Sexiest Woman, insisted she still took tennis very seriously despite her recent absences from the courts.

She said she wanted to concentrate on her preparations for this summer`s tournaments, especially Wimbledon.

"My target is to be fully fit and then to start winning major matches again," she said. "I have played in all the major tournaments and you don`t get there just by looking nice," she insisted.

MI6 Rumour Rating: Sky High News.

Thanks to leinad for the alert.

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