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Orlando Bloom in talks to take over from Pierce Brosnan as the next James Bond, claim UK tabloid newspaper

18-Mar-2004 • Bond News

UK tabloid newspaper The Daily Star claim to have a hot exclusive today. They `reveal` that "Lord of the Rings" star Orlando Bloom is set to be the new James Bond.

The rumour comes hot on the heels of Pierce Brosnan announcing on US television a few days ago that Bond 21 would be he fifth and final outing as 007.

The paper goes on: "Film producers are desperate to land the young Brit hunk, who played elf Legolas in the Rings trilogy, as the next 007. And they are understood to have lined up meetings to get their man.

A spokesman for Orlando, 27, said that "no decision has been made" about him taking the role. But a source said: "They are pulling out all the stops to get him".

"Orlando would be perfect for the part as he`s got the looks, the charm, the accent and the high profile that would make Bond even more popular. They want to move away from the traditional image of James Bond - the older, suave gentleman - and believe a younger, trendier actor will attract new fans."
, the paper`s mysterious source claims.

MI6 Rumour Rating: Most `Next Bond` rumours coincide with the actor`s latest film project coming out in cinemas or on DVD, whereas this is fresh on the back of Brosnan`s announcement. The theory about attracting new fans comes from previous tabloid rumours. Expect the story to be rehashed throughout the press this week.

Thanks to Overkill for the intel.

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