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Sneak peak at issue 3 of `Kiss Kiss Bang Bang` out this month (pictures)

19-Mar-2004 • Collecting

Sir Charles Basildon is the world`s most feared spy... especially if you`re his partner! MI6 agent Stephanie Shelley knows that Basildon has the nasty habit of losing his partners while on missions, and she has no intentions of becoming a statistic! But with the Young Dictators gunning for her, can Stephanie overcome this numbers game? Especially when her back-up is more interested in saving his own life?

Find out this month when writer Tony Bedard, penciler Mike Perkins, inker Andrew Hennessy and colorist Laura Villari present the latest chapter in "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" issue #3!

MI6 Competition
Click here for the MI6 competition for your chance to win exclusive signed copies of KKBB issue #2.

Issue 3 Sneak Peak!
Click the images below for a full resolution sneak peak at KKBB issue 3!

Check out the MI6 Comics section for more on "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" and other 007 related comic articles.

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