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Stolen charity Bond actor autographs now back where they belong

29-Mar-2004 • Bond News

Stolen signed photos of James Bond stars Sir Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan were returned to Wakefield Hospice this week, following the theft in December last year.

Last week the Wakefield Today newspaper revealed Sir Roger had given the hospice a replacement signed photograph after reading about the theft.

Now the two photos have been anonymously returned.

Hospice fund-raiser Helen Knowles said: "We`re absolutely delighted to have them back. It was very unfortunate when they were stolen, as we could not put a price on what they are worth to the hospice."

She attributed their return to the article in the Express last week about Sir Roger`s donation.

The photographs were originally donated to the hospice six years ago for a special 007 fund-raising event.

They were taken when burglars smashed through the front window of the hospice`s fund-raising office and snatched them off the wall.

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