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SNP admits it is still to receive cash from Sir Sean Connery

31-Mar-2004 • Actor News

Fresh doubts emerged about Sir Sean Connery’s support for the SNP last night after party chiefs admitted that the former James Bond star has yet to give the party a penny in donations six months after he pledged to resume his financial backing, reports The Scotsman.

The party’s most high-profile supporter announced last August that he had agreed a deal with leader John Swinney to start regular donations once again.

Connery regularly donated a figure of around £50,000 a year to the party, but he has been prevented from doing so in recent years after a ruling that bans British exiles from contributing to party coffers.

Party chiefs said Connery, who lives in the Bahamas, had managed to sidestep the ruling, and indicated that he would start giving funds immediately.

But they confirmed last night that he has yet to hand over any funds to the party, depriving it of one of its most lucrative sources of cash.

Officials said the two parties have yet to reach an agreement over a suitable project for Connery to fund.

Peter Murrell, the SNP’s chief executive, said: "He hasn’t given money yet. He has been busy and it needs face to face meetings. It is down to us to come up with a project that he is happy to support. We are talking to him about that."

Connery has not given financial support to the SNP since 2001, when the Labour government introduced new laws banning expats from giving to political parties.

However, the law allows British exiles who have been on the electoral register over the past 20 years to become a donor. While Connery has lived abroad for more than two decades, he spent over a year during that time in London while filming, which enabled him to resume donations.

The fact that he is yet to do so will fuel speculation about his relationship with the current party leadership under Swinney. Connery admitted last year that the party missed the "wily" skills of former SNP leader Alex Salmond.

However, he is expected to meet Swinney next week during Tartan Day celebrations in America. SNP officials also insist that Connery will be involved in the European election campaign in June.

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