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Kate Beckinsale up for the role of Daisy Scarlett in the forthcoming spy film Semper Occultus

11-May-2004 • Actor News

With the promotion of female driven spy movie Daisy Scarlett: Semper Occultus heating up and rumoured to be announced at Cannes next week, in a bazaar twist of fate real life Prime Minister Tony Blair has appointed 'John Scarlett' to be the new head of MI6.

In an uncanny life imitating art type scenario, fictional spy Daisy Scarlett, intended to be played by actress Kate Beckinsale in the movie, is barked orders by 'C', the head of MI6, who also happens to be her father. Writer/Producer Ben Trebilcook states "the names are purely coincidental, yet pretty cool though."

Thanks to `Stevie` for the alert.

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