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James Bond cast members make Empire Magazine `Top 30 Gods Among Us` list

29-May-2004 • Actor News

James Bond cast members have made the Empire Magazine Top 30 `Gods Among Us` list.

The list is drawn up of the top actors who have stolen scenes, chewed on scenery and generally defined cinema over the last few decades. The magazine set a few conditions - they must be over fifty and they must still be working, so no spring chickens or retirees.

The Bond actors to make the top 30 golden oldies were...

13 - Sean Connery

Iconic Image - Bond. James Bond.

Measure of Greatness - Such a legend that he doesn't even pretend to do accents other than his own brogue, Connery has gone from strength to strength since he played the definitive 007 (no arguments, you know it's true). Even when the films aren't quite up to scratch, Connery's godlike status still shines through.

16 - Christopher Lee

Iconic Image - Bloody-fanged and stripy-haired as the immortal Count Dracula.

Measure of Greatness - With more films under his belt than ten lesser actors, Christopher Lee has averaged almost four films (not counting TV films or mini-series) per year for the last fifty. Hollywood's baddie of choice for six decades, Lee also made an excellent Sherlock Holmes and a Satan-fighting professor in The Devil Rides Out.

20 - Judi Dench

Iconic Image - Disapproving and majestic as Queen Elizabeth I.

Measure of Greatness - Look up "scene-stealer" in the dictionary and you'll find "Judi Dench", something she proved in her Oscar-winning eight-minute role as Shakespeare in Love's QE1. Her characters have a way of turning heads whether regal or not, and she proves to have enough iron in her velvet glove to keep 007 in line as Pierce Brosnan's M.

27 - Christopher Walken

Iconic Image - Standing in a razor sharp suit in King Of New York.

Measure of Greatness - Whether twinkling his toes in pop videos or beheading residents of Sleepy Hollow, Christopher Walken has a strange sort of charisma. Specialising in psychologically unhinged characters of one sort or another that make good use of his eerily blue eyes and gangly frame, Walken has danced his way to Oscar glories and cult status.

Thanks to `Dusty` for the alert.

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