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British newspapers continue to perpetuate the Pierce Brosnan `in or out` rumours for James Bond 21

10-Jul-2004 • Casino Royale

"Why can't you just be a good boy, and die?" Alec Trevelyan asked of James Bond in 1995's "GoldenEye".

007 fans are now suffering similar frustrations to that which 006 felt.

The British press are continuing to recycle the Pierce Brosnan "in or out" rumours that all started back in February, when certain newspapers and websites claimed Brosnan had been fired by MGM due to his age, even though he had no active contract to be "fired" from. MGM then denied the claims, but that has not stopped the cottage industry of 007 rumours to continue their trade.

Today the Daily Telegraph have published a report, riddled with factual errors, claiming the Irish actor has "been left out in the cold".

"Writers Andrew Neal (sic) and Robert Wade have convinced producer Barbara Broccoli of the merits of an old-style Bond flick, despite her preference for an effects driven blockbuster. (thank God - Sir Godfrey)

"Without all the special effects, the film will work best with a young, fresh actor," explains a well-placed industry insider. "Andrew and Robert have at last persuaded everyone at the production company, Eon, that a traditional Bond is the way forward. So now it looks like Brosnan's services won't be required."

Not, adds my source, that Brosnan was especially popular with the producer anyay.

"Barbara was annoyed when Brosnan complained to the press about being snubbed. Apparently he was also demanding a Tom-Cruise-style paycheck, but I don't think he's quite in that league. Of course, the moment it seemed as if they might look elsewhere, he changed his tune. But now he may have missed his chance."

Meanwhile, for others involved in the project, things are finally progressing smoothly. "The script's ready and they're going out to LA in two weeks' time to hammer out the details," adds my source.

Eon productions refused to return my calls on the matter.

Can you blame them?

MI6 Rumour Rating: A slow news day for movie journalists.

Thanks to `Sir Godfrey` for the alert.

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