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Sir Sean Connery still supporting Scottish independence despite removing SNP logo from official website

16-Aug-2004 • Actor News

Sean Connery's enthusiasm for the cause of Scottish independence is stronger than ever, despite removal of links to the SNP from his internet site, according to Alex Salmond.

He made the comment last night after it was confirmed that Sir Sean's website has dropped its link to the SNP site, reports The Herald.

The actor has long been the Nationalists' most high-profile supporter and has donated thousands of pounds to the party. Removing references to the SNP from his website was interpreted as a sign that his support was cooling.

But Mr Salmond, one of three contenders in the race to become party leader and who counts himself as a close friend of the actor, was angered by the claims.

The Banff and Buchan MP said: "The story is nonsensical and the journalist involved appears to exist in a parallel universe.
"I am relaxed and confident about the situation because I know that Sir Sean's enthusiasm for Scotland and the cause of independence is burning brighter than ever."

James Baron, the actor's spokesman, also insisted Sir Sean's support for the SNP remained as strong as ever.

He said: "The changes to Sir Sean's website were purely technical and took place six months ago.

"The truth is that, in common with every SNP supporter, Sir Sean has been galvanised and enthused by the excitement being generated by the SNP leadership campaign."

All three candidates for the leadership yesterday agreed that Sir Sean would have no bearing on the leadership battle, for which more than 8000 members began voting over the weekend. "I am sure Sean Connery has his party card, in which case he gets precisely one vote," said Roseanna Cunningham, the MSP for Perth and deputy leader to John Swinney.
Michael Russell, the former MSP and third contender for the leadership, said: "Alex is the one who has used Sir Sean Connery's name at every hustings meeting, and I think Alex has to say what is going on here."
Mr Salmond responded: "I have not mentioned Sean at a single hustings. Mike must be going to different meetings."

What is true is that over the years the party has made the best possible use of their most internationally famous supporter. They also "lent" Sir Sean to the cross-party campaign for a Yes vote in the devolution referendum.

More recently it was Mr Salmond who arranged a meeting between Sir Sean and Nicola Sturgeon in Edinburgh.

Although the meeting was an update on the European election campaign, it was presented to the press as if it was an endorsement of Ms Sturgeon's then campaign for leadership, before she stood down to run for deputy as Mr Salmond's running mate.

The seanconnery.com website contains links to the Scottish Parliament's site, the parliament's separate Tartan Day site, and two charities.
The Salmond-Sturgeon slate may not have sought or received the endorsement of Sir Sean Connery, but it did receive backing from another Scottish actor, Elaine C Smith.

"I think that the combination of Alex leading around the country and Nicola in the Scottish Parliament will be great news not just for the SNP but for Scotland," said Ms Smith.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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