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James Bond 21 still on track for January 2005 shoot despite Sony buyout complications

15-Sep-2004 • Casino Royale

Despite the current Sony buyout of MGM and fears of project delays, James Bond 21 is still on track for a January 2005 shoot claim the latest reports.

According to several top executives, the Sony/MGM deal could take nine to 12 months to close, so next year's production and release schedule should not be affected. But most outside observers are betting the acquisition could be effected in just six months, which would have serious implications for the MGM pipeline - according to the Hollywood Reporter.

"It's just business as usual over the next six months to a year while everything is being worked out," one source said. "Even though it's a much slower business as usual."

Several other execs complained that MGM top management has not offered any guidance since the news of the acquisition broke. Michael Nathanson, president of MGM Pictures, is expected to meet with his production staff today to discuss the future.

According to one agency e-mail circulating Tuesday, MGM is committed to at least three new productions: James Bond 21, due to begin in January for release late next year (November 18th 2005); United Artists' "Bread and Chocolate"; and "Basic Instinct 2," which is moving closer to filming. But an MGM spokesman would not confirm.

Thanks to `Mathewww` for the alert.

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