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Bond Producer, Michael G. Wilson, appointed as a `Trustee of the National Museum of Science and Industry`

04-Oct-2004 • Bond News

For six years Mr Wilson was a member of the `National Museum of Photography, Film and Television` and now the Prime Minister has recently appointed him the position of `Trustees of the National Museum of Science and Industry`. Mr. Wilson will hold this position for the next four years.

Since Bond film Moonraker, Michael G. Wilson has been Producer, Executive Producer or co-writer on the 007s adventures. He also takes an interest in, and is an expert on, 19th century photography.

`The National Museum of Science & Industry incorporates the Science Museum in London, the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford, the National Railway Museum in York and the Wroughton outstation in Wiltshire. The Museum's aim is to promote the public understanding of the history and contemporary practice of science, medicine, technology and industry. Trustees are not remunerated.` - announced Number-10.gov.uk.

Thanks to `mathewww` for the alert.

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