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India TV - James Bond film season on ZMZ, as the channel breaks away from MGM

08-Oct-2004 • Media Alert

The Indian MGM franchise channel Zee TV, which runs Hollywood movies in India, has broken ranks and has been renamed to "Zee Movie Zone (ZMZ)".

The rebranding exercise by ZEE effectively meant that its joint venture with MGM, the Hollywood studio, which is being acquired by a consortium led by Sony Corporation, is over.

Now 007 fans in India can look forward to a series of James Bond films played on Sunday nights at 8pm.

The "James Bond Fest" begins with "From Russia With Love".

Before the channel rebranding, the perception Zee-MGM had in the market was that of a movie channel that was not strong on big blockbusters, though it did air some interesting movies. What is now offered instead is that the channel - touted as a complete Hollywood movie channel - will now be making extra efforts to air new titles, which had not been the case earlier.

"Even as we had the partnership with MGM, many of the movies on the channel were being sourced from other players like Paramount and Miramax. Thus we can go solo, taking the content from various partners," said the business head for Zee's English channels Ajay Trigunayat.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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