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Pierce Brosnan confirms to Empire Magazine - `Bond is gone`

30-Oct-2004 • Casino Royale

"Bond is gone," Pierce Brosnan told the latest issue of Empire Magazine. The 51 year old actor said life as 007 if "Over. Done. Dusted. My contract was for four movies, they [EON Productions] invited me back for a fifth and I said yes, then somewhere in the middle of negotiations they changed their minds."

The magazine claims an exclusive on the news, strange considering Brosnan has given the same quotes to several outlets already this month.

Still, Brosnan doesn't seem to have any regrets "Am I staggered by this?" he ponders. "No, I'm not. It's a hard business. I wish them well and I wish the next guy well."

Thanks to `Goldfinger` for the alert.

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