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Sir Sean Connery ready for return to Scotland?

17-Nov-2004 • Actor News

Scottish Nationalist leader Alex Salmond has fuelled speculation that Sir Sean Connery could be returning to live in Scotland - reports The Scotsman.

Mr Salmond suggested the 74-year-old movie legend, currently based in the Bahamas, might take the opportunity of retirement from Hollywood to move to "a golf course near you".

The Oscar-winning former James Bond star, who grew up in Edinburgh’s Fountainbridge, has been visiting Scotland more frequently and was one of the "big names" to attend the opening of the new Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood last month.

He is the SNP’s most famous supporter and was delighted when Mr Salmond returned to the leadership of the party in September.

There have been rumours in the past that Sir Sean was thinking of moving back and was house-hunting in various parts of Scotland, close to golf courses.

But Mr Salmond hinted that this time there was a more serious possibility of a homecoming.

He said: "Sean was one of the few A-list celebrities who bothered to attend the opening of the parliament. As he walked down the High Street he was cheered all the way down.

"Sean comes to Scotland a lot. I suppose from his point of view he is an international Scot. He tries hard for Scotland and he is passionate about the country.

"He has Scotland Forever tattooed on his forearm, which is very telling.

"I don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that as he moves out of his film career that he will move back. I’m not saying he will move out of the Bahamas entirely. But I am saying that something could happen soon on a golf course near you."

Sir Sean has been a major donor to the SNP, but he was disappointed when Mr Salmond stepped down as leader in 2000.

And he caused some embarrassment when he spoke in more glowing terms about Scottish Socialist Tommy Sheridan than Mr Salmond’s successor, John Swinney. However, Mr Salmond’s return may herald a resumption of Sir Sean’s donations.

A source was quoted today saying: "It’s fair to say Sir Sean was disillusioned with the direction of the party and felt that a radical shake-up was needed. It is about three years since Sir Sean donated substantially to the party. He used to plunge thousands in every year, but then things went quiet.

"It seems he is happy with the way the SNP is moving and the relationship was strengthened at the opening of the parliament when he had the chance to talk to Alex about what was going on."

Sir Sean has regularly come under fire for living abroad and enjoying the tax benefits of an exile.

Just before the devolution referendum in 1997, Sir Sean told the Evening News he might move back to Scotland if there was a "Yes, Yes" vote.

He had previously said he would only come back to live in Scotland if it was independent. And last year he returned to that position, saying he would not buy a house in Scotland until the country gained complete autonomy.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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