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Scottish historical society unearth photo of Sir Sean Connery at 20 working as a pool attendant

21-Nov-2004 • Actor News

Tanned and confident, he looks every inch the dashing movie star. But recently unearthed photograph of a young Sean Connery was not taken on the French Riviera - in fact the 007 star was captured by the edge of Portobello (Scotland) now-defunct outdoor swimming pool.

Sir Sean had a stint as a lifeguard at the pool, and this shot of him in his early 20s is just one image featured in a newly-launched video telling the tale of life in the seaside community during the 20th century - reports The Scotsman.

Entitled Memories of Portobello, the half-hour film was produced by the Portobello Historical Society in association with Capital-based video production company Forth International.

Narrated and presented by well-known Portobello-born actor Paul Young, the film uses audio and video interviews with long-standing residents, along with archive footage, to take viewers on a trip from the 1920s through to the present day.

Included are memories and images of the area’s heyday as one of Scotland’s most thriving tourist hotspots.

Also featured are recollections of everyday life and work in the seaside resort through the years.

The video, which was funded by a £4700 council grant, received its premiere in Portobello town hall yesterday in front of an audience which included many of the pensioners who contributed their memories to the project.

And for Portobello Historical Society secretary Archie Foley, the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the film was a vindication of the hard work put into its production.

He said: "It has been a massive learning process but I am extremely happy with the finished product.

"The video will go on sale in local shops and copies will be given to schools, libraries, and old folk’s homes in the community.

"Portobello was and still is one of the proudest communities in the Edinburgh area and we felt that it was a good idea to preserve its rich history on film for future generations to learn from and appreciate."

Of particular interest for city star-spotters is the pre-fame photograph of Sir Sean, which is featured prominently both in the video and also in an accompanying booklet.

Jimmy Dignall, 67, of Comely Bank Avenue, who took the photograph in the late 50s, said: "I used to go down to Porty pool every summer to have a laugh and chat with the ladies.

"We used to have a fair bit of banter with the lifeguards, but to be honest Sean pretty much kept himself to himself most of the time.

"I was speaking to one of the other lifeguards recently at a golf tournament and he was laughing about how his and Sean’s careers had diverged." Recollections of the famous pool and the resort’s years as a major east coast tourist destination constitute a major chunk of the film.

Up until the 60s, Scottish holidaymakers would flock to Portobello to swim in the pool and enjoy the beach and walks along the pier and the promenade.

And for Rhoda Duff, 81, of Portobello High Street, these segments were the highlight of the film.

She said: "It was just brilliant. It took me back in time. Those were great days.

"The beach would be packed with west-coasters who came over during the Glasgow fair, and there was always a lot of music and laughter."

Ms Duff went on to praise the historical society for undertaking the project.

She said: "Things have changed a lot around here and I suppose you can’t stop progress.

"But I do think that it is important to have a link to the past and I hope that the children who see the video will take an interest in their heritage."

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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