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Zao`s Jaguar XKR from `Die Another Day` gets pranged

30-Nov-2004 • Bond News

A youngster's dream ride in a James Bond Jaguar went with a prang after the driver accidentally reversed the priceless motor into a signpost - reports icCoventry.

But, as you would expect from a souped-up Bond car, it came out virtually unscathed.

While museum volunteer George Simpson appeared a little concerned after the scrape at the company's site in Browns Lane, Allesley, Coventry, 11-year-old Daniel Parker was neither shaken nor stirred.

Daniel, of Pen-Y-Lan in Cardiff, was offered the ride in the vehicle - driven by Bond baddie Zao in Die Another Day - when he said the Jaguar XKR was his favourite motor after winning the BBC's Junior Mastermind.

His specialist subject was the Volkswagen Beetle but he hopes to drive a Jag or Aston Martin when he is old enough to get behind the wheel.

He said: "When I heard the crunch I sort of cringed. I thought 'Oh God, what's happened?'

"But it's not too bad. It's only very little.

"The ride was hard to describe. It was amazing being in a Bond car. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that would happen.

"I really like James Bond and I think that car is really beautiful, especially the green colour. I didn't see any gadget bits but I reckon there were a few in there.

"It was amazing inside just feeling the speed and the sound and the wind all around you." Daniel travelled to the Jaguar Daimler Heritage Museum in Browns Lane from Cardiff - in a Jeep - with mum Anne, dad Delwyn and brother Benjamin.

Anne, aged 38, said: "It's quite exciting really. He's been on Blue Peter and was invited on to Top Gear a couple of weeks ago. But he's taking it all in his stride."

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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