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Unofficial fan club JBIFC and OO7 Magazine part company

05-Jan-2005 • Collecting

The James Bond International Fan Club and 'OO7 Magazine' (both unofficial) have finally parted company after a couple of troubled years following the change of ownership of the JBIFC to Yorkshire businessman David Black after its unexpected closure in 2002.

Members angered by the closure and reopening of the club, which introduced new subscription fees, will no doubt feel further aggrieved today that the JBIFC will no longer be issuing 'OO7 Magazine'. The JBIFC will now be issuing a 'fan newsletter' instead.

In a press release issued today, 'OO7 Magazine' editor Graham Rye said:

“Unfortunately during the two years ‘OO7’ MAGAZINE has been supplied to David Black’s new organisation nothing has been done by his new limited company to promote or market the new club in any way.”

“Our financial agreement had also become unsatisfactory, so I felt a New Year was the right time to break away and steer ‘OO7’ MAGAZINE back in a more professional direction in order to dramatically increase its circulation, while also protecting its strongly independent editorial policy of writing and picturing whatever we want whenever we want.”

Both organisations are completely unofficial and in no way endorsed or supported by Eon Productions.

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