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Famke `Xenia Onatopp` Janssen helps tsunami aid effort

12-Jan-2005 • Actor News

Former James Bond girl Famke Janssen has recorded a tsunami disaster aid advert in her native Holland after learning her sister and her kids were nearly swept out to sea in the disaster - reports ContactMusic.

The model-turned-actress heard about her sister miraculous escape before she learned of the 26 December tragedy, which left huge areas of south east Asia devastated and more than 150,000 dead.

She says, "My sister was in Thailand vacationing on a little island with her little kids and they escaped death by like a second. I'm thrilled that they made it out alive.

"I was actually lucky because I found out that she was OK first before I even heard about what had happened there. I was travelling from Amsterdam to New York so I'm so happy that I didn't have that time period of not knowing what happened."

Janssen admits the thought of her family almost being caught up in the tragedy prompted her to use her fame to do whatever she could.

She adds, "It's really tragic and it's sad because the future of the countries, most of them relied on tourism as their primary income.

"If you want to do something donate money, which I did, and I did something for Dutch television. But watching TV and getting depressed over it, it doesn't actually help anybody, so those are for me the things that I have to eliminate out of my life because they are not very productive."

Thanks to `Goldeneye` for the alert.

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