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You can call me Bond, James Bond - name changes soar

24-Jan-2005 • Bond News

Fancy changing your name? You'll soon be able to do it by mobile text message - reports the Sunday Mirror (UK).

UK Deed Poll are launching the service to cope with a surge in people wanting to switch names - in many cases to James Bond.

"Dozens of people do it every time a 007 film comes out," says chief executive Michael Barrett.

Applicants will text a message ordering a name and be posted the documents to complete the change at £39 a time.

But Mr Barrett warned anyone thinking of changing to take it seriously.

"It may be funny after a few beers, but if you're at the doctor's and the receptionist calls for Mr Redhot Lovegod, you may be embarrassed," he said.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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