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BBC news reports on the James Bond situation - speculation on the usual candidates for 007 #6

01-Feb-2005 • Casino Royale

BBC film reporter Tom Brook has reported from New York on what he believes is the current situtation with casting the next James Bond 007, and the future of the franchise.

He names Dougray Scott, Ewan McGregor, Jude Law, Colin Farrel, Hugh Jackman and Eric Bana as potential candidates - all of whom have been rumoured by the tabloid media at some point.

An snippet of an interview with Gerard Butler reveals his thoughts on the role. "The prospect of playing Bond is very enticing. I grew up with the man. He's the dude. They're great movies, so I'd be interested, but it's not happening."

Brook reports, "Clive Owen is a hot favourite after his performance in the well received "Closer". But when asked about the Bond role, he's been giving the same brief answer for the last 18 months. "It's all rumour. There's nothing to confirm".

He concludes, "Casting is being delayed, reportedly because of disagreements. Should Bond be less in the Pierce Brosnan mould? Should Bond be less British? More appealing to modern young audiences? More international? More special effects driven? Getting the new 007 right is a high-stakes game that will affect the fortunes of a film franchise that's generated almost $4 billion at the box office."

Click here to watch the BBC video report online.

Thanks to `Satorious` for the alert.

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