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Live And Let Die watch tops favourite gadget poll

10-Oct-2002 • Bond News

Yahoo have announced the results of a recent UK poll to discover the all time favourite gadget used by James Bond.

"Sheer magnetism"

The magentic Rolex watch from "Live And Let Die" came out on top. It failed to pull a boat across a lake, but it helped 007 unzip the dress of Miss Caruthers. The watch also featured a high-speed rotating bezel that Bond used to slash his rope bindings in the film`s finale.

The Ericsson mobile phone from "Tomorrow Never Dies" came in second place. The phone featured a remote control for Bond`s BMW, a video view screen, fingerprint scanner, lock pick and stun gun.

The "From Russia With Love" pager came in third.

Thanks to `Rumpole` for the alert.

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