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British tabloids ape internet rumours on 6th James Bond debate - a Sony/Eon split?

17-Mar-2005 • Casino Royale

In yesterday's edition of the Daily Mail (UK), Richard Kay "revealed" in his column that two top women involved with the 21st 007 film - Casino Royale due out in 2005 - are struggling to decide who should play the sixth James Bond .

"The two women charged with finding the next James Bond have reached a fascinating impasse. I am told that Amy Pascal, 46, who runs the film arm of Sony, favours saturnine Oscar-nominee Clive Owen, 40. However, producer Barbara Broccoli, 44 - daughter of the creator of the Bond films, the late Cubby Broccoli - is said to prefer the more rough and ready charms of Tomb Raider star Daniel Craig, 37. A source tells me: "Everyone involved in the next film, Casino Royale, is increasingly anxious for one to be chosen. They are praying that the girls can finally make their minds up"

"A source tells me"? Perhaps that source was movie news website Aint It Cool News, who published the rumour earlier this week. Kay's piece is almost a word for word lift.

Life as a tabloid journalist has never been so tough...

Thanks to `Ken` for the alert.

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