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Clive Owen says he has no problems being associated with James Bond role

24-Mar-2005 • Casino Royale

Clive Owen appeared on the Conan O'Brien show in the USA last night to hype his new movie "Sin City" - due out on April 1st. The award winning English actor was quizzed by O'Brien about those James Bond rumours...

O'Brien - Now, uh, this is something that's been hounding you for a while, but for easily the last year or so, all the tabloids have been saying, "They've chosen the next James Bond. It's Clive Owen. Every producer wants Clive Owen to do it." And what's interesting is most people would dream of playing James Bond. You don't want to do it, do you?

Owen - I've never said that. All of that has always been rumors. It's been sort of, you know, media speculations. It's been announced a number of times that I've signed to do it. It's all been, you know, speculation.

But there was one time - the sort of silliest it got - is I was doing a movie where I had hair extensions and a big beard, and I came out of a restaurant, I had a baseball cap on, and there was a paparazzi guy there, and they took pictures. Three days later, that picture in a tabloid saying, "Owen Signs for Bond." But the thing is, they said, I was in disguise until the Broccolis were ready to reveal me! (laugh)

O'Brien - Really? So until it was gonna be announced, that they thought there was gonna be this wig, and... They're thinking of any reason, but you don't wanna do it, right? You don't...

Owen - I, listen, I've been having the most fantastic time doing very varied, interesting work, and, you know, it's continuing, and I'm having a great time, so...

O'Brien - Right, right, so you're not worried about that. I just think it's this very cool rumor to have out there about you. I mean, you know what I mean? There's uh... usually when there's a rumor, it's like, "There's something funny about that guy, alright?" or "Conan smells," you know? But you, it's like, "They want him to play Bond," but you know, it's... that's a very neat thing!

Owen - (laugh) No, but... ...no... I have no problems being associated with it.

Thanks to `Kyvan` for the alert.

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