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Sir Sean Connery brands Labour party `a joke`

31-Mar-2005 • Actor News

Sir Sean Connery today labelled Labour a "joke" as the Scottish National Party launched a "mini-manifesto" for independence - reports The Scotsman.

Up to 500,000 Scots are due to be targeted over the next few weeks by a recorded telephone message from the SNP’s most famous supporter.

In it, the former 007 actor says: "Hello there, this is Sean Connery. No, this isn’t a joke - unfortunately, the real joke is the Labour Party."

Sir Sean then goes on to urge voters to back the Nats.

The taped appeal is due to form a key part of the SNP’s election campaign.

Today, SNP leader Alex Salmond began a week of campaigning on the merits of the benefits that the SNP claim independence will bring and arguing that devolution is not enough. And he was due to launch a "mini-manifesto" for independence, claiming the SNP’s plans would lead to an increase in wages and wealth and boost the population and the economy.

Mr Salmond claimed: "Independence is good for Scotland. It is the right future for our nation."

He added: "Devolution is not enough and certainly not enough to make a real difference to Scotland.

"Westminster keeps control of vital areas such as immigration, tax, social security and pensions. It can also decide whether or not to send Scottish troops to an illegal war in Iraq."

Mr Salmond claimed the Scottish Parliament had among the fewest financial powers of any legislature.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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