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Brosnan speaks to satirical movie site TheFacer

19-Oct-2002 • Bond News

Pierce Brosnan has given an interview to TheFacer.net - a website synonymous with embarrassing questions and squirming guests.

Amongst the silly questions are a few answers worth reporting:

FACER: I guess. I saw the trailer. Rick Yune looks very menacing.
BROSNAN: And he is, the character is. He plays this part very well. He was menacing on the set. I think in a way this character is like Jaws from the Roger Moore films, but with less humor and more menace. But wonderful potential.

FACER: Doesn`t he die in this one?
BROSNAN: I`d rather not say, but that hasn`t stopped a Bond villain from coming back, has it?

FACER: John Cleese is back as "R"?
BROSNAN: Yes, but he`s been promoted to "Q." This is the first Bond film since Desmond Llewellyn`s death.

FACER: How is your Bond different from the others?
BROSNAN: It`s difficult to say. I think he`s certainly a bit more serious than Roger`s, but also more calculating than Sean`s. Sean was very fluid and almost, I guess what I mean to say is, casually invincible?

FACER: The Tim Dalton years.
BROSNAN: Yes. We`re back on track now. While the formula is there to a great extent, we have wonderful screenwriters to help liven it up. And we break the formula quite a bit. You saw that in Tomorrow Never Dies, as well. And even more so in the last film. [The World is Not Enough.] I certainly hope no one in the audience is thinking about formula. I just want them to have fun with it.

FACER: I remember in the opening sequence of Goldeneye your Bond was running along the edge of a dam, in the bungee cord sequence, and breathing heavy as he ran. It was jarring almost. Very un-Bond.
BROSNAN: Well, that was intentional. The producers wanted to create a new Bond, one that has to exert. I think if you don`t identify with Bond as a human, even though he`s a human who is always coifed and gets the girl, he becomes too distant from today`s audience. Bond is not The Terminator.

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