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Man impersonating James Bond found guilty of kidnapping and theft

29-Jun-2005 • Bond News

A bogus MI5 spy is facing life imprisonment after he was convicted of pocketing a £1million fortune during an `unbelievable odyssey of deceit` - reports The Daily Mail.

Robert Hendy-Freegard, 34, spent a decade callously commandeering the lives of eight people with James Bond-type tales of shadowy IRA killers and Polish Mafia.

Six were women, all were seduced - he was bedding five at the same time - and most got engaged to him.

Among the victims was a solicitor, who rated his bedroom techniques `11 out of 10`, a psychologist and a pregnant company director.

As many endured years of poverty, and trembled from both his explosive temper and numerous death threats from fictional assassins, he gradually stripped them of the ability to think for themselves with unrelenting mind control techniques.

Throughout it all the former barman enjoyed a life of unadulterated luxury.

Top-of-the-range cars, designer suits, expensive meals, and five-star holidays in Brazil, and elsewhere, were all on a lengthy shopping list funded by their cash in a swindle unique in its audacity, imagination and scope.

But that lifestyle was all in tatters today after he was convicted of a total of 20 counts.

After four days of deliberation, the jury of seven men and five women unanimously convicted him of two counts of kidnap, ten charges of theft and eight counts of deception.

He was cleared of two counts of kidnap, one count of theft and one of making a threat to kill.

Hendy-Freegard, who was being sentenced later, showed no reaction when the verdicts were read out in court.

London`s Blackfriars Crown Court heard his first two victims were `kidnapped by fraud` - one of the few times such an offence has been successfully prosecuted - by claiming terrorists were on their trail.

The silver-tongued Casanova, who turned deception into an art form with `unusual powers of persuasion`, convinced them to abandon their college studies, betray their wealthy farming families and jettison their self-respect.

One suffered `in his thrall` the entire 10 years.

His victims - most gave evidence from behind screens - told the nine-month trial how he relentlessly manipulated their lives.

In the process he drained them of every penny they could beg, borrow or earn, leaving several either in debt, or with zero credit ratings.

Finally, one of them went to the police. What unfolded was a case unlike anything officers had heard of before. Even the FBI, who helped set a trap for him at Heathrow airport two years ago, said nothing in their experience came close.

Even now police doubt whether they have discovered all his victims.

According to the indictment the former carpenter, ex-barman and one-time car salesman, of Blyth, Nottinghamshire, was responsible for about £600,000 of `provable` dishonesty, although police are convinced he pocketed £1million altogether.

Thanks to `Kyvan` for the alert.

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