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James Bond themed charity bash in Scotland, 10th September

02-Aug-2005 • Event

Swimming with sharks will be among the prizes at a James Bond themed party to help raise cash for cancer research in the west of Scotland.

The charity Ochre, Oesophageal Cancer Has Reached Everywhere, has Sir Sean Connery as its patron.

And, with the best Bond in the business as their top supporter, they felt a party based on the suave super-spy was the best way to raise awareness of the illness and much-needed cash - reports the Evening Times.

Guests can bid to mimic Connery's shark pool scene in Thunderball, or join an auction for other lots as they gamble on Casino Royale tables at the glittering event in Glasgow's Marriott Hotel.

Last year the campaign, formed by former sufferers, family and friends, donated a £39,000 state-of-the-art scanning machine to Gartnavel General to help doctors diagnose the illness.

Tickets for the ball on September 10 are available on 01360 661103

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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