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Pierce Brosnan launches attack on President Bush

05-Sep-2005 • Actor News

Pierce Brosnan lobbed sharp criticism at President George W. Bush Saturday for his environmental policies and his handling of the hurricane catastrophe in the United States - reports NineMSN.

"This man called President Bush has a lot to answer for," the former James Bond actor told journalists as he presented his latest movie at a French festival of US film in this Normandy resort town.

"I don't know if this man is really taking care of America," Brosnan, an Irish-born actor who lives in the United States, said.

He was responding to a question about the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina, which has wreaked massive destruction and loss of life in the southern US.

Bush has been accused of reacting too slowly and not bringing enough federal aid to bear on the chaos, which many people fear may be linked to climate change.

Bush and his officials have refused to sign up to the Kyoto protocol which aims to reduce greenhouse emissions believed to be behind climate change.

"This government has been shameful," Brosnan said.

The outburst revealed a rare moment of passion for the actor, who had been fielding questions mostly about his new film, "The Matador", and about his career now that he has refused to play in any more James Bond films.

Thanks to `JP` for the alert.

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