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UNICEF James Bond Ball will help save lives in India

09-Nov-2002 • Event

Funds being raised from a "James Bond In India" ball are helping to save at least 300,000 babies and 20,000 mothers lives from a deadly killer Maternal and Neo- Natal Tetanus.

Organised by a group of individuals on behalf of UNICEF`s "Great Expectations Campaign" the Indian themed extravaganza hopes to raise a totalof £30,000 together with bids received on the night for exclusive prizes onated by Roger Moore, Tim Henman and theatre producer Adam Kenwright to name just a few.

Held on 23rd November at the Porchester Hall W2, the evening promises live entertainment, authentic Indian Cuisine and pub priced drinks.

Committee Chair Sharon Hall explains "It is truly inspiring to have the input of so many dedicated young professionals helping to bring this event to life. The evening will be a spectacle of glamour, fine cuisine and entertainment for all aspiring Bonds and `Bondettes` to be well-heeled about."

For tickets, corporate tables and further nformation go to visit the UNICEF webpage or call 0208 996 0657.

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