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Rikki Lee Travolta turns down James Bond prospect

11-Oct-2005 • Casino Royale

Following reports that actors Clive Owen declined an offer to play James Bond in the upcoming feature "Casino Royale," a grassroots campaign by fans saw thousands of copies of the Ian Fleming novel mailed to Shakespearean trained actor Rikki Lee Travolta of the famous entertainment family with notes imploring him to accept the role - reports MoviesOnline.

As of October 10, 2005, over 135,000 copies of "Casino Royale" had been received by Travolta’s managers at United States based Prime Time Entertainment from James Bond fans in countries including the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, and Japan.

"James Bond is one of the most dynamic roles in history, and also one of the most extreme and career defining commitments an actor can make. Whatever actor does decide to accept the opportunity to play Bond will certainly join a very storied and prestigious legacy," said Travolta in an official statement released by his managers.

"I am humbly flattered by the overwhelming outpouring of support. Although extremely honored, after very careful consideration I feel that James Bond might not be the best vehicle for me to commit to at this point."

"At this time there are superhero opportunities that are naturally akin to Rikki Lee Travolta’s charisma and physique that make too much sense not to consider. That would not be possible with the long term schedule obligations of a slate of secret agent films," stated manager Drake Miezel.

Marvel Studios, a division of Marvel Entertainment, is currently planning live-action feature film adaptations of comic book properties including Captain American, Nick Fury, and Thor. Avi Arad, president of Marvel Entertainment, stated at Wizard World LA that the film adaptation of Thor is in aggressive development and predicts it to be on the same epic level as Peter Jackson’s "Lord of the Rings."

D.C. Comics properties being developed for film include The Flash, which is slated to be written and helmed by "Batman Begins" scribe David Goyer. Universal Pictures has optioned the rights to the D.C. Comics graphic novel "The Psycho." Stephen Sommers and business partner Bob Ducsay are developing a film based on "Flash Gordon."

"There are so many talented actors who would be interested in playing James Bond and the franchise has strong leadership that knows what it is doing and has never failed. I have the utmost faith that James Bond fans will be well rewarded for their patience and that Casino Royale will be a crowning achievement in a franchise that will continue to succeed indefinitely," stated Travolta.

Travolta next appears in "Crime Fiction" for Fire Escape Films and is attached to star in "My Fractured Life" for Port Magee Pictures. Copies of the novel "Casino Royale" received by Travolta are being donated to libraries and schools.

Thanks to `bond_fan` for the alert.

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