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Sir Sean Connery sparks a rush for duffel coats

11-Dec-2005 • Actor News

Sir Sean Connery has sparked a rush for Paddington Bear-style coats - after wearing one at an awards ceremony, reports The Sunday Mail.

He donned a duffel for the European Film Festival in Berlin, sparking a flood of inquiries to Northamptonshire-based Gloverall which still makes the classic £220 coats.

Company spokeswoman Julia Shortle said: "We have had a noticeable increase in inquiries already as a result.

"Anything like this, people start writing in. I'm sure demand is going to jump even more.

"Most women still find Sean Connery very dashing and attractive - there's a certain quality there. He's very distinguished and debonair.

"I think a lot of women will want to see their men in a coat like his and a lot of men will hope some of Sir Sean's glamour rubs off a bit on them."

Sir Sean, still a sex symbol at 75 and a one-time Royal Navy seaman, wore a duffel coat in the 1990 movie The Russia House, which also starred Michelle Pfeiffer.

Julia said the company supplied the coat for the movie. She said: "We wouldn't be able to say if it was the same coat - but it'd be nice if it was."

Other famous wearers of Gloverall duffels include Liam and Noel Gallagher.

The Gloverall company was set up in the 1950s to get rid of thousands of surplus duffels left over from the war.

A spokeswoman for Harvey Nichols in Edinburgh - which stocks designer duffels - said: "Sir Sean is a trendy dresser - casual, but quality.

"I could see him in Miu Miu and Ralph Lauren, no problem

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