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Fine for drunk man who claimed to be James Bond

18-Mar-2006 • Bond News

A drunk man who firstly refused to give an arresting sergeant his name, eventually said he was James Bond, was handed down a €700 fine for giving a false name along with public order offences by Judge Michael Pattwell at a sitting of Mallow District Court - reports Unison.

Judge Pattwell remarked when Aidan Harty of 1 Convent Road in Doneraile had the €700 paid back, he could be quite assured that he would be a man “quite shaken but not stirred”.

The court was told the accused was approached by Sergeant John O’Leary on November 13, 2005 at Chapel Lane in Mallow at 2.10am.

Addressing the court Sgt O’Leary said there was a problem at the door of Club Lite on the night and when he approached the accused, he was according to the sergeant, very intoxicated and used ‘foul language and was very abusive’.

The sergeant told the man to calm down, however, the court heard he acted in a violent manner.

When Sgt O’Leary placed his hand on the accused shoulder, he said; “take your fu***** hand off me.” “He then refused to give me his name and he gave us a fictitious name, which I knew just wasn’t true. He said he was James Bond.”

Judge Pattwell asked the man: “ Do you know who invented the character James Bond?” The accused said he did not.

The Judge responded, “Exactly, any half intelligent person would be able to answer that, but you can not.”

Solicitor for the accused, Dave Waters said his 18-year-old client had never been in trouble before this incident.

“Prior to the guards arriving, he was abusive to the doorman. The tirade of abuse and comments made to the guards is simply unacceptable. It wasn’t until the guards were next him that the abuse started. He did not fully co-operate and his language was very bad,” said Dave Waters.

He said his client was only released later the next morning when he had fully sobered up. The court was also told the accused had failed to attend court on November 22 for his case.

For the section 6 charge, he was fined €200, Section 4 was taken into consideration as was section 5.

For failing to turn up on November 22, he was fined €250 and he was also fined €250 for giving a false name.

Judge Pattwell also barred the accused from Club Lite or one year and said anyone who makes trouble at the place and appears before him will be barred from the club.

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