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Sir Roger Moore admits he never liked guns when playing 007

29-Mar-2006 • Bond News

James Bond star Roger Moore, known for his polished use of a Walther PPK and license to kill, has admitted that he never liked guns - report Reuters.

Moore, who played Bond from 1973 to 1985 in films including "The Man with the Golden Gun" and "Live and Let Die", told The Times of Malta he had never wanted to glorify firearms.

"I never liked guns, I hate them, I always blink before they go off," Moore, 79, said in Malta where he is filming.

Moore, who reinterpreted the tough guy image Sean Connery gave agent 007 by playing the role more tongue-in-cheek, dismissed suggestions Bond was obsolete in a post-September 11 world.

"He's an action hero, a good man fighting evil ... I always looked upon Bond as a giant comic strip," Moore said, adding:

"Nothing about Bond is real. I mean the idea that a spy is known by everybody is ridiculous. Imagine, every barman in the world knew Bond and served him martinis."

Thanks to `Overkill` for the alert.

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