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Live And Let Die `star` alligator to be stuffed and displayed

13-Sep-2006 • Bond News

A film-star alligator which appeared in the James Bond movie Live And Let Die is to be stuffed and put on display following his death, the zoo where he lived said today.

The 3m-long animal, Big Boy, died at Beaver Water World in Tatsfield, Kent, at the age of 45 - reports 24Dash.

He played a supporting role in the 1973 Bond movie, which features Big Boy in a crocodile-infested pool and a stunt in which a Roger Moore double runs over alligators.

Big Boy was born in 1961 at an alligator farm in Louisiana, US, and grew from just 3in (8cm) to more than 9.8ft (3m) in length and weigh 19st 7lb (125kg).

After appearing in the 007 film, television adverts and TV sitcom The Young Ones, the alligator spent his retirement at the zoo and reptile rescue centre, which has featured on Pet Rescue, Animal Hospital and The Really Wild Show.

He died following an illness, curator Stella Quayle said.

"He was immensely popular always," she said, adding that people had been leaving flowers and cards at his enclosure since his death on September 4.

"He was a real character," Ms Quayle said.

The alligator's favourite foods were partridge and plaice - and a salmon, mushroom and dill dish of Ms Quayle's that was once fed to him by accident, she said.

Ms Quayle described how, when she was cleaning his enclosure, Big Boy would use his tail to flick the dirty water at her.

"He really did have a sense of humour," she said.

When Big Boy returns from the taxidermist, Ms Quayle hopes to put him on display in the zoo's planned education centre, which will be used to train RSPCA inspectors in how to deal with reptiles.

Thanks to `Davidov"` for the alert.

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