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Sean Connery`s estate in Nassau burgled by masked raiders

06-Jan-2003 • Bond News

Masked bandits breached the tight security at the exclusive Lyford Cay estate in Nassau, the Bahamas - now home to Sir Sean Connery.

Largo`s estate Palmyra in 1965`s "Thunderball" was located in Nassau.

The robbery alarmed residents at the private development, and burgled Connery`s neighbour - fashion designer Peter Nygard.

The three men, dressed as security guards, invaded the estate shortly before Christmas. They scaled a fence and jumped into the sea, leaving behind a knapsack full of burglary tools. Police said the robbers fled Nassau with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The development has its own security staff and a checkpoint at which all visitors have to make themselves known and is prized for its stringent security measures. Police are working on the theory that the raiders gained entry to the complex by sea, possibly paddling ashore in a small craft.

"At first I thought the whole thing was a joke," Nygard said.

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