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Douglas James is touring India claiming to play Brosnan`s double in the Bond films

10-Jan-2003 • Bond News

Douglas James, who claims he plays Pierce Brosnan`s double in the Bond films, has been visiting India promoting himself on the back of 007 fever.

James, who only doubled Bronsnan once - very briefly - in the title seuqence of "Tomorrow Never Dies", spoke to Indian newspapers during his tour:

"India is so exotic... it`s kind of like James Bond - the more you explore it, the more inviting and enchanting it becomes."

He told reporters that as well as playing Bond`s double, he is also open to acting in Hindi films.

"I am what I am, and Brosnan is what he is. It`s all destiny," said James, "Tomorrow, if things turn around, I might actually ask Brosnan to be my double!"

He also talked about an alleged meeting with the real Bond.

Douglas James: "[Brosnan] said the similarity was scary. He wanted to listen to my voice to know if I also sounded like him. And when I met his son, Sean Brosnan, he looked at me and said: It`s spooky, you resemble him so much!"

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