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Pierce Brosnan and Hollywood stars rally to support crisis-hit Scottish theatre

17-Jan-2003 • Bond News

The Scotsman is reporting that Hollywood stars are rallying to support Glasgow`s crisis-hit Citizens Theatre.

Pierce Brosnan, who appeared in "Citz" productions in the 1970s, offered support after it emerged the renowned institution may be forced to slash the number of productions this year following a Scottish Arts Council (SAC) budget freeze and a cut in funding from Glasgow City Council.

The management has announced it would mount only "six or seven productions" to maintain its world-class standards.

Glenda Jackson, a Labour MP and a former double Oscar-winning actress, said: "It would be a scandal if it was placed in any danger."

Brosnan added: "I had the honour of working there early in my career and I consider it a great privilege. The Citizens` touched many people and those who enjoy its wonderful productions."

The theatre could stage only six or seven productions if, as anticipated, it receives no increase to the £829,000 grant from the SAC, in the wake of a Scottish Executive spending review which looks to have shelved the plan for a national theatre for at least a year.

In addition, last year’s £475,000 grant from the council is expected to fall by £50,000.

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