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Daniel Craig talks about his non-Bond plans, plus a few Casino Royale tidbits

30-Nov-2006 • Actor News

Daniel Craig needs an acting life post- Bond and Casino Royale. Fortunately, he has one. "I'm in the middle of shooting something called The Golden Compass," says Craig of the action-fantasy film based on the award-winning Philip Pullman book - reports Canada.com

Currently shooting in England, the movie features Craig as Lord Asriel. Casino Royale co-star Eva Green is in The Golden Compass, too. "So is Nicole Kidman," says the new Bond, admittedly relieved that Casino Royale is a worldwide hit.

So did the Liverpool native select this new part in the kid flick as a change of pace from his adult role as 007? "I'm not going to counterpoint anything," contends the 38-year-old. "And I'm certainly not going to do stuff that I think is a reaction to Bo nd."

Craig is signed to do two more Bond flicks, but likely won't start the next one until early in 2008. "I always said, in the beginning, that first and foremost we had to make a good movie -- not just a Bond movie -- and everyone was on that same page," Cra ig reports. "Initially the criticisms came in and we just ignored them and got on with our jobs. Now it feels good to know we all did the right thing."

As he looks back, though, a few things stand out. First there was a conversation he had with former Bond Pierce Brosnan. "I said to him, 'Look, I want to be Bond,' " recalls Craig. "He said, 'Go for it. You have to go for it.' So I can't thank him enough for that support." Another memory: When Craig -- as Bond -- was naked and tied to a chair during a torture scene, producer Barbara Broccoli showed extra interest. "Barbara was on set all day that d ay," the actor says, smiling. "She wouldn't go. I was like, 'Don't you have something to do in the office?' "

Other than that, there have been minor changes for Craig. Life in airports is a lot easier, for instance. "It's quicker now," he says. "We rush through," though the hurry is more for ducking paparazzi than catching planes. "It's intrusive at the moment," Craig says of being thrust into Bond's bright spotlight. "But I'll just ride it out for as long as I have to."

Thanks to `Brokenclaw` for the alert.

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