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German equivalent of MI6 publish a book of spy recipes

23-Jan-2003 • Bond News

Ananova have uncovered details of a new recipe book to be published by Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) - the German equivalent of MI6.

More than two-dozen exotic recipes are included in the book, gathered from German special agents stationed around the world.

Each recipe is spiced up with anecdotes from the agents about how they have made use of their culinary skills.

The stories include advice to a German security chief from a Nigerian counterpart on how to tackle black magic attacks.

Another contributor claims an operation in the desert had to be cancelled when a spy camera designed to withstand extreme heat and dry conditions fell into a pot of Turkish honey.

The dishes range from a cheese and beer paste on thick black bread, to a vegetable and fish stew from central Africa known as Dongo Dongo.

An agent in Scotland offered a recipe for filled sheep stomach, while a mole inside Israel suggested a super spicy fish and pepper soup made with a Nigerian herb that is so strong that it kills the taste buds for several hours afterwards.

The cookbook is part off a plan to sell a range of BND merchandise for lovers of espionage who want to feel like James Bond.

The line will include Y-fronts with the words Top Secret, Keep Contents Private and even Only for Authorised Personnel stamped on the front. There will also be T-shirts, scarves, ties and blouses.

Thanks to Rumpole for the alert.

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