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A brief interview with Colin Salmon

23-Dec-2006 • Actor News

Colin Salmon, 44, best known for playing Charles Robinson of MI6 in three James Bond films, is supporting Sky's new high-definition channels. On Christmas Day, the Discovery Channel, Sky Sports and Terry Pratchett's 'Hogfather' on Sky One will be available in HD format - reports the Independent.

If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be...

Out Christmas shopping with my family.

A phrase I use far too often is...

To my four children it's "you don't want to do that" or "I wouldn't if I were you".

My favourite film is...

I love Babette's Feast because of the message in it - an artist will never be poor and you can melt the coldest heart with love and passion.

I wish people would take more notice of...

The planet. And people should take more notice of where they live and get involved. We need to demystify - get out and speak to strangers on the street.

The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was...

Getting the part in Prime Suspect 2 when I'd never been in front of a camera before.

I'm not a politician but...

We've got to protect the nursery schools. I'm chair of governors in a nursery school in my area. If we lost the provision, I'd be worried about the socialising skills of children.

I'm good at...

Music. I'm a trumpet player and I sing jazz. My last gig was at the Dorchester. I sang at Judi Dench's big dinner.

But I'm very bad at...

Saying "no".

You know me as an actor, but in a truer life I'd have been a...

Musician or architect, or headteacher in the St Trinian's mould.

In a nutshell, my philosophy is this:

Neither exclude nor be excluded.

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