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James Bond themed fireworks thrill New Year revellers in Las Vegas

03-Jan-2007 • Event

It was a night of parties, attractive women in slinky dresses and probably more than a few vodka martinis -- served shaken, not stirred - reports Review Journal.

James Bond would have been proud, even if the typical New Year's Eve reveler in Las Vegas lacked his quiet sophistication.

"Vegas is beautiful, beautiful. I'm drunk, drunk -- having good time," said Mark Aldenuder, 21, of Israel, grinding against a woman's leg in front of Caesars Palace as midnight approached.

Aldenuder was among the hundreds of thousands of people who packed Las Vegas Boulevard to ring in the new year and watch the $500,000 fireworks show, dubbed "Vegas Royale 007" in honor of London's top fictional spy. The show, which went off without a hitch, was accompanied by James Bond theme music.

About 17,000 others partied at the Fremont Street Experience, where Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman appeared with his usual cadre of showgirls. Each wore new headdresses for 2007, featuring a deep red velvet turban topped with a fan of red feathers and white spangles.

The costumes provided the backdrop as an amused Fox News Channel correspondent asked Goodman about the party on Fremont Street and then turned to the drink Goodman was toting.

"My martini would be twice this big," Goodman told the national television audience as he held a standard-sized martini glass. "This is a prop."

The crowds featured the usual New Year's Eve collection of oddball characters.

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