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Former villain Sean Bean says Daniel Craig is the best Bond

14-Jan-2007 • Actor News

Sean Bean (villain Alec Trevelyan in 1995's "GoldenEye") was interviewed recently by Movies Online and was quizzed about his thought on remakes.

Q: As an actor, is it hard going into a remake that has a cult fanbase from the original that is already against the film just because it’s a remake?

SB: I don’t know. I’m not really aware of that. I supposed with every remake you get people who – regardless of whether it’s a finer approach than the original – will always want to criticize it because it’s a remake. You know what I mean? I mean I’m just trying to think of remakes that have been successful in the past and I think that there’s been a few.

There’s not many but I do think you get people who are going to be pessimistic right from the beginning. Just like James Bond, you know, Daniel Craig, who right from the beginning they were writing (slacking?) him off and saying he’s not up to it. And then it comes out and he’s probably the best Bond that’s ever been. So I don’t really listen to so much nonsense when people say stuff like that.

Thanks to `goldenflower` for the alert.

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