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New locations in the frame for Sean Connery film centre

25-Mar-2007 • Actor News

A Sir Sean Connery film and television centre could be built in Leith or Granton after proposals to build it in Festival Square sparked a storm of protests - reports the Scotsman.

The idea of creating the landmark building - which would be a new home for the Edinburgh Filmhouse and the International Film Festival - appeared to have been knocked off track after initial protests three years ago.

But enterprise chiefs today announced they hope to push ahead with the project and have commissioned a feasibility study.

They want to create a centre which would not only be a film venue, but also a training and development "hub" for the creative industries. The study has been ordered after consultants hired to examine the idea reported widespread support.

Their report suggested the city's waterfront, including Leith and Granton, should be considered as an alternative venue to Festival Square. The centre, they suggested, would boost efforts to regenerate the area. The Film Festival, however, is understood to have reservations about moving out of the city centre.

Dave Anderson, senior director of operations with Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian (SEEL), said: "The Moving Image Centre would be a superb addition to Scotland's creative industries.

"We'll be working with our partners to take forward a feasibility study for the centre which will look at how it could be funded, potential locations and the facilities it would house, to ensure it meets the needs of both the industry and the wider public."

SEEL has put the development of the centre at the core of a new strategy to promote the Capital as a centre for filmmaking, broadcasting, animation, advertising and developing computer games.

It is hoped the Moving Image Centre - which Sir Sean Connery has agreed to give his name to - will boost the status of the Film Festival, help rear a new generation of filmmaking talent and attract other companies to relocate to Edinburgh.

The proposed cinema complex would be capable of hosting international movie premieres throughout the year, and would include five cinema screens. Other planned facilities include a major gallery and exhibition space, a film and media information centre and library, and a cafe-bar.

However, the consultants New Media Partners say the proposed centre should also aim to become a major education, training and conference centre, and provide a base for aspiring film-makers.

NMP's study, which was jointly funded by SEEL, Scottish Screen and the city council, said industry reaction to the proposals had been "resoundingly positive".

Ginnie Atkinson, chief executive of the Edinburgh International Film Festival and Filmhouse, said: "We've been waiting on the publication of this report to get this project moving.

"The findings of the consultants about the Moving Image Centre are great news and it now means we can have meaningful discussions with our partners about how to take things forward."

Other recommendations in the consultants' report - expected to be backed by councillors next week - include promoting Edinburgh as "film-friendly" in a bid to dispel fears about the city's traffic problems and trying to attract major TV channels to set up bases in locations such as Edinburgh Park.

Councillor Donald Anderson, the city's culture and tourism leader, said: "The Moving Image Centre is a great idea and it would be a great asset for the city."

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