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Sir Roger Moore linked with role in adventure film `Cornelius Fly`

25-May-2007 • Actor News

Gudjón Hafthór Ólafsson, aka Gus Olafsson, is currently preparing to direct his first film, an adventure film titled Cornelius Fly, about a British boy who loses his parents. Both Roger Moore and David Bowie have agreed to star in the film - reports Iceland Review.

English singer-songwriter David Bowie will play the part of a greedy opportunist who tries to gain custody of the unfortunate boy, while English actor Sir Roger Moore, best known for his role as James Bond, plays a judge, Fréttabladid reports.

Cornelius Fly will start shooting September 3 in Toulumne County, 150 miles outside San Francisco. The film will also be shot in Hollywood and in the UK.

Other actors include US actors Karen Grassle, who played Caroline Ingalls in The Little House on the Prairie, and Richard Bakalyan, who allegedly was a good friend of Frank Sinatra.

Olafsson has lived in Los Angeles for 16 years, where he studied interior architecture. For the last two years he has worked for the Icelandic film production company Pegasus PanArctica.

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