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Martin Amis and Charlie Higson in Bond special on BBC Radio 4, 17th July

09-Jul-2007 • Media Alert

Show: Amis, Amis And Bond
Channel: BBC Radio 4 (UK)
Date: Tuesday 17th July 2007
Time: 11.30am-12.00noon

Martin Amis explores his father's obsessive interest with James Bond and the writing of Ian Fleming, with fellow Bond enthusiast Charlie Higson.

Forty years ago, Kingsley Amis undertook an unusual project – analysing in detail all of Ian Fleming's James Bond books, and compiling a guide to being James Bond for prospective spies, based entirely on Fleming's writing.

Comedian and Young Bond author Charlie Higson talks to Martin about his father's Bond obsession, and Fleming's role in his life and work. Film and music extracts are used to add colour and texture and evoke the faded glamour of the Bond novels. The programme also paints a vivid and affectionate portrait of two much-loved, but very different, writers; gives listeners new insights into one of popular culture's best-loved characters; and reveals a hilarious and unknown piece of comic writing: The Book Of Bond.

Amis, Amis And Bond tells the story of all Amis's Bond writings in a funny, pacey and highly textured fashion.

Presenter/Martin Amis, Producers/Lucy Dichmont and Barney Rowntree

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