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Bond Girl Rumour #8 - Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty linked to role by tabloids

14-Aug-2007 • Quantum Of Solace

Déjà vu? You could be forgiven for feeling you had read this story before, perhaps because Bollywood-centric journalists at the Times of India linked actress Shilpa Shetty to the 22nd James Bond film earlier in the year - albeit speculatively.

The Daily Mail in the UK has gone one better today by claiming the actress is "set to become a Bond Girl".

Although many fans should be cynical of this type of report, there may be a kernel of truth behind the rumblings. Aishwarya Rai was approached by casting agents for Bond 21 back in 2004 in case a 'female asian lead character' featured in the script. The film would later become known as Casino Royale.

Media Rumour
Shetty is set to become a Bond Girl - reports the Daily Mail. The acting beauty, who became one of reality show Celebrity Big Brother's most talked about housemates when she took part earlier this year, is seen as a perfect leading lady for the current James Bond, Daniel Craig.

But it is the fact that she is massive in Bollywood that is about to seal the deal. Bond producers, who are currently putting their next cast list together for Bond, are desperate to sign her up so that the movie sells massively in Asia.

A movie source revealed: "Shilpa is having secret talks with the top brass who are working on the next movie. As far as they are concerned, she has it all - she is beautiful, fiesty and a great actress.

"But they also want someone who is a big star prior to the film, which Shilpa is.

"She has a huge following in Bollywood as well as a number of fans in the Western world - especially in Britain - so she will be great for the box office sales."

Thanks to `Q` for the alert.

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