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Bond beating Bourne in UK poll to find the best spy

20-Aug-2007 • Bond News

Despite all the hot air and anti-007 remarks coming from the PR campaign behind "The Bourne Ultimatum", the third in the Matt Damon series, James Bond is coming out on top.

The BBC are asking readers, "who would win in the ultimate showdown between Bourne and Bond?"

Results at the time of writing put Bond ahead of Bourne by a clear margin:

Bond - 64.94%
Bourne - 35.06%

One reader in Thailand said, "Bond would win. He is the more ruthless of the two, and he has no problem doing his job for his country. Bourne on the other hand, is wracked with guilt and self-doubt over what he has done in his past. Bourne would hesitate whereas Bond wouldn't."

Click here to vote online.

Thanks to `Moore` for the alert.

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