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Pierce Brosnan elated over NRDC sonar victory

06-Sep-2007 • Actor News

Actor Pierce Brosnan is one of the few out there that actually takes time each month to update his website with new information and remarks. Before he's profiled "10 Eco-Friendly Ways To Go Green“, the fight against the Liquid Natural Gas Terminal off the Malibu coast, and his push to stop horse slaughter in the United States - reports EcoRazzi.

This month, Pierce talks about his joy upon hearing the NRDC (National Resource Defense Council) won a court battle to block the U.S. Navy from using mid-frequency sonar during training exercises off the southern California coast. Scientists say the sonar is damaging to whales and other marine life and adversely affects the environment. From the post,

"The court also called the Navy’s proposed protections for whales 'woefully inadequate and ineffectual.' NRDC is demanding that the Navy take common-sense measures to protect the region’s blue whales, migrating gray whales and other marine mammals as it blasts thousands of square nautical miles of ocean with ear-splitting, mid-frequency sound. The court’s injunction is 'preliminary,' which means that this fight is far from over. Nevertheless, it is a stunning win for our oceans, and it supports our contention that whales should not have to die for military practice."

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